Using the TV's Features
V-Chip Unrated Program Block
SL-Icctinji this option lets you decide if pntgrams that the V-Clii]5 recognizes as
"unrated can he viewed. Note tiiat "unnited’' T\^ programs may include news,
sports, political, religiotis, local and weather programs, emergency bulletins,
public tmnoLincements, and programs withorit ratings.
View All unrated programs are ttvailabie.
Block All unrated programs are not available.
Note: You must rememher to lock ParenUtl Controls for rating limits to
take effect.
. rc
"s6 Loc
0 Exi
Channel it Status
Press * pr V, keypad, or CH Nv
to set phanneL, BENI) to exit.
Channel Block
Selecting this optittn lets you decide what channels can be viewed.
View Makes the .selected chttnnel viewable.
Block The front panel and remote control CH (channel) button.s will tune
cmly to channels that you have marked as View. The remote will still tune to
the blocked channel if you use the digits to access the channel, but the
channel will be bkjcked.
, Don’t forget to lock parental controls after you change the status of Channel
Block. If you do not, the channel block will not take effect.
Note: If you have a digital cable box channels 126-999 can be blocked
hut will not be removable from your scan list.
PARENTAL controls
■1 V-Chip TV fating Limit
2 V-Chip ,Hov^ Jt&tirtg,Liaiit
3 y-Chip l^rated ProgfM Block
4 Channel’BLotk '
5 front Panel Block
1 tJhbLock
Front Panel Block
Selecting this option lets you block (disable) or unblock (enable) the TV’s front
panel. The remote still tunes to any channel. Front Panel Block an-.
• Keep children from watching TV when the parent is not present.
• Keep young children from playing with the buttons.
(When using this as a Parental Control method, you should remove access to
any remote that is capable of operating the television while yrru have the front
panel blocked.)
Don’t hrrget to lock parental controls after you change the status. If you do not,
the front panel block will not take effect.
'1 V*tbip TV Rating Limit '
2 V^hip Movie Rating L^lt
3 .tf^ip Unrated Program Block
A Channel Stock'
5 Frtxtt iwiel ¡Block -, .
6 Lock Parental Controls
Lock/Unlock Parental Controls
Selecting this option lets you lock and unlock parental controls .settings using a
If you do not lock parental controls, none of the settings for V-Chip,
Channel Block, or Front Panel Block wlU take effect.
It you forget your pa.ssword, simultaneously press and hold MENU on the
television and volume down on the remote for 3 seconds. Nothing appears on
the screen, Parental Contrrrls simply unlock and you can re-enter a password via
Lock Parental Controls.
Chapter 3