7- For the stock throttle position sensor attach the "C" shaped spacer to the end of the throttle shaft, put a 4mm at washer on each T20 Torx
button head M4 x .7 x 12mm screw, apply some Loctite® 222 and torque screws to 18-23 in-lbs.
8- Install the new O-ring on the IAC motor. Lubricate the OD of the O-ring with a light lm of clean engine oil. Put a 4mm at washer on each T20
Torx button head M4 x .7 x 12mm screw, coat the threads with Loctite 222. Install the IAC motor and tighten the screws to 18-23 in-lbs.
9- Partially install the fuel injectors in the fuel rail. Be sure to orient the black O-rings to the rail and align the clocking tabs with their holes. It may
be helpful to lubricate the O-rings with clean engine oil. See Picture 9. NOTE: These are special O-rings that seal pressurized gasoline. If you see
one with damage or an abrasion—replace it immediately.
Picture 7
Picture 8
Picture 9