• Components for option firmware updates available from the HP Support website
hat ca mation,
see "
Subscriber's Choice (on page 35)
etailed inform g fi
DIMM handling guidelines
HP offers a subscription service t n provide notification of firmware updates. For more infor
For d ation on updatin rmware, see "
Firmware maintenance (on page 76)."
the system board connector.
: Failure to pro ly handle DIMMs can cause damage to DIMM components and
When handling a DIMM, observe the f
• Avoid electrostatic discharge (on
D s by the side e
oid touching the connectors on
• Never wrap your fingers around a
ts o
• Never bend or flex the DIMM.
, observe the f
Before seating the DIMM, align th
• To align and seat the DIMM, use two fingers to hold the DIMM along the side edges.
To seat the DI ger
formation, see the
HP webs
00.www .hp.com/bizsup c008
ollowing guidelines:
page 89).
• Always hold
• Av
IMM dges only.
the bottom of the DIMM.
• Avoid touching the componen n the sides of the DIMM.
When installing a DIMM ollowing guidelines:
• e DIMM with the slot.
• MM, use two fin s to apply gentle pressure along the top of the DIMM.
For more in
pport mixing SAS and SATA drives in the same logical volume.
SAS and SATA hard drive guidelines
When adding hard drives to the server, observe the following general gu
• The system automatically sets all drive numbers.
• If only one hard drive is used, install it in the bay with the lowest drive number.
• Drives must be the same capacity to provide the greatest storage space efficiency when drives are
grouped together into the same drive array.
NOTE: ACU does not su
SAS an S
ur only when the server is connected to a Smart Array
d ATA hard drive LED combinations
NOTE: Predictive failure alerts can occ
Troubleshooting 44