OPERATION Possible Causes What To Do
Washer won’t operate Washer is unplugged • Makesurecordispluggedsecurelyintoaworkingoutlet.
Water supply is turned off • Turnbothhotandcoldfaucetsfullyon.
Controls are not set properly • Checkcontrols.
Lid is open—safety feature • CloselidandpressStart.
prevents agitation and
spinning when lid is up
Circuit breaker/fuse is • Checkhousecircuitbreakers/fuses.Replacefusesor
tripped/blown reset breaker. Washer should have a separate outlet.
Electronics need to be reset • Unplugwasher,wait2minutes,plugbackinandpressStart.
Start was not pressed • PressStart.
Lid magnet missing • Callforservice.
Bulk detergent tank is on but empty • Turnoffbulkdetergenttankorfillbulkdetergenttankwithmoredetergent.
Bulk softener tank is on but empty • Turnoffbulksoftenertankorfillbulksoftenertankwithmoresoftener.
Dispenser not dispensing
Laundry detergent packet • Laundry detergent packets should not be used in the dispensers.
properly placed in dispenser They should only be added directly to the wash basket following the
manufacturer’s directions.
Unexplained time and/or Changing options • Thisisnormal.Severaloptionswillchangeotheroptionsto
settings changes maximize washer performance. Detergent Cup Amount changes
are not saved.
Movement inside machine Shifting mechanism is • Whenthemachineismanuallyturnedoff,theshifterwill
when shut off disengaging the motor disengage the motor before completely shutting down.
If lid is raised before the motor is disengaged, it will resume
when lid is closed.
Basket seems loose Basket moves or rotates freely • Washerbasketdoesnothaveatraditionalbrake.Washerbasketwill
move freely. This is normal.
PERFORMANCE Possible Causes What To Do
Clothes too wet Incorrect cycle selected. • Makesurethecycleselectedmatchestheloadyouare
washing. Some fabrics will feel wetter when rinsed with cold water.
Wash load out of balance •
Redistribute load in washer and run through Drain & Spin cycle.
Colored spots Incorrect use of fabric • Checkfabricsoftenerpackageforinstructionsandfollow
softener directions for using dispenser.
• MakesureyouhaveselectedtheFabricSofteneroption.
• PretreatstainandrewashusingQuick Rinse cycle before drying.
Dye transfer • Sortwhitesorlightlycoloreditemsfromdarkcolors.
Grayed or yellowed Detergent amount • Besuretofollowdetergentmanufacturer’sdirections.
Hard water • UseawaterconditionerlikeCalgonbrandorinstall
a water softener.
Water is not hot enough • Makesurewaterheaterisdeliveringwaterat
120°F–140°F (48°C–60°C).
Washer is overloaded • Looselyloadclothesnohigherthanthetoprowofholesinthe
washer basket. For best results, load items around the outside
of the basket.
Dye transfer • Sortclothesbycolor.Iffabriclabelstateswashseparately,
unstable dyes may be indicated.
Lint or residue on Clothes are air or line dried • Ifyoudonotdryyourclotheswithaclothesdryer,your
clothes clothes may retain more lint.
Incorrect sorting • Separatelintproducersfromlintcollectors.
Washing too long • Washsmallloadsforashortertimethanlargerloads.
Detergent not dissolving • RewashusingQuick Rinse cycle with Extra Rinse option.
• Tryaliquiddetergent.
• Usewarmerwatertemperature.
Overloading • Looselyloadclothesinthewasherbasket.Forbestresults,load
items around the outside of the basket.
Incorrect use of fabric • Checkfabricsoftenerpackageforinstructions
softener and follow directions for using dispenser.
• MakesureyouhaveselectedtheFabricSofteneroption.