Caring for the dishwasher.
Cleaning the Control Panel
To clean the control panel, use a lightly
dampened cloth. Then dry thoroughly.
Protect Against Freezing
If your dishwasher is left in an unheated
place during the winter, ask a service
technician to:
H-] Cut off electrical power to the
dishwasher Remove fuses or trip
circuit breaker
r-2-iTurn offthe water supply and disconnect
the water inlet linefrom the water valve.
r_ Drain water from the water inlet line
and water valve. (Usea pan to catch
the water)
E] Reconnectthe water inlet line to the
water valve.
Air gap Does Vour Dishwasher Have an Air Gap?
An air gap protects your dishwasher
against water backing up into it if a drain
clogs. The air gap is not a part of the
dishwasher It is not covered by your
warranty. Not a!l plumbing codes require
air gaps,so you may not have one.
The air gap is easy to clean.
m Turn off the dishwasher and lift off the
[]Remove the plastic cap and clean with
a toothpick.
Before you call for service...
Troubleshooting Tips
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following pages,
_ or visit www.geappliances.ca. You may not need to call for service.
Error Messages Possible Causes What To Do
START/RESETstatus Youhave pressedthe • Pressthe START/RESETpadonceto start thedishwasherPressthe
indicator lightflashing START/RESETpad while the START/RESETpadasecondtimewhenthe dishwasheris runningonlyif you
dishwasher is running. This will wishto cancelthe cycle.
cancelthe cycle.The light will
stop flashingafter the dishwasher
drains (about90 seconds).
Powerto the dishwasherwas • Thelightwillstopflashingafterthe dishwasherdrains.Anewcyclewill
turned offwhile acyclewas start automatically.
runningand powerhasjust been
restoredto the dishwasher.The
blinkinglights indicatethat the
dishwasherisdrainingthe potential
water inside.
Dishwasher BEEPS This is a reminderthat gout • Closeand latchthe doorafteropeningit mid-cycle.
onceevery 30seconds dishwasher door has been left
openduring operation.It will
continuebeeping untilyou close
the door.