Operation of models with cycledial ge.com
Off 0 :_ Li_h_ W_s_q
Rinse Only
For rinsing partial loads that will be washed late_ Do not use detergent.
_ Make sure HEATEDDRYis not selected. Slowly turn the Dialto RINSEONLX
Be sure the door is unlatched. Latch the door to start the cycle.
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Plate Warmer or Drying
Forwarming clean dishes and serving plates.This cycle will take approximately 39 minutes.
Load clean dishware to be warmed. _ Slowly turn the Dial to PLATEWARMERor
Be sure the door is unlatched. _ Latch the door to start the cycle.
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StartOei_ 1,; %
o! ID [ \ \ /_ Light,Cash
Hot Start or Hot Prestart Option
Preheatswash wateE
...........cyc e and any other option on the push
button pad,
_ii Be sure the door is unlatched.
Slowly turn the Dial to HOTSTARTor
..................HOT PRESTART.
atch the doorto start the cycle.
OI 0 Light Wash
Short Wash or Light Wash or Water Saver
For quickly washing loads of everyday disheswith light to medium soilsthat have not dried on.
L Be sure the door is unlatched. _ Latch the door to start the cycle.
Slowly turn the Dial to SHORTWASH,
.................LIGHTWASHor WATERSAVER.
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Start Delay (on some models)
The STARTDELAYwill allow you to delay the start time of any cycle automatically up to 6 hours.
Be sure the door is unlatched. _ Slowly turn the Dial to the desiredtime.
...................The CYCLEON light will come on.
Selectthe wash cycle and option you want. Latch the door to start the cycle.
Start (Models with a Dial)
Slowly turn the Dial to the STARTor ON position, or the selected cycle. Don't turn it past the START,
ON or cycle position; you could accidentally miss a prewash.
There is a time delay between start-up and water fill so you will not hear any wash action right
_;_Latch the door to begin the cycle.