About the dishwasher control panel
Control Settings
An indicator light above the selectedpad will be ON to indicate which CYCLEhas been selected,on some models.
POTS& PANS/ For heavily soiled dishes or cookware with dried-on or baked-on soils. Everyday dishes may be included.
HEAVY WASH This cycle will not remove burned-on foods.
NORMtAIJ For loads of everyday dishes, glasses and cookware with medium soils. NOTE: Hang dishes have lighter
NORMtAL WASH soil than normal. Choosing a cycle other than NORMIALWASH will save energy and water.
SHORT WASH For quickly washing loads of everyday dishes with medium soils that have not dried on, such as loads
(onsomemodels) consisting mostly of glasses.
WATERSAVER For dishes with light soils.
RINSEONLY For rinsing partial loads that will be washed later. Do not use detergent.
DRYING For warming clean dishes and serving plates. This cycle will take approximately 50 minutes.
HOT PREWASH Preheats wash water to the correct temperature.
CHINA CRYSTAL For lightly soiled china and crystal.
O Options
An indicator light above the selected pad will be ONto indicate which OPTIONhas been selected,on some models.
HI TEiVlp Turns on the heater in all final rinse cycles to help prevent spotting on dishware. This option may be
RINSE turned ON or OFF during the wash cycle.
HI TEMP Energizes the heater to boost water temperature in prewash and main wash fill cycles. Recommended
WASH for use with heavily soiled dishes. Option may be turned ON or OFF during the wash cycle.
HEATEDDRY Shuts off the drying heat option. Dishes air dry naturally and energy is saved. Open the dishwasher door
OFF to speed drying.
HEATEDDRY Turns the heater on for fast drying. This cycle will extend the time to your wash cycle /jointfilesconvert/116354/bg 50 minutes.
ON DO NOT use with RINSE ONLY cycle.
LOCK When the LOCKpad istouched twice within 3 seconds,all pads become inoperative. Youcon lock the controls to
(electronicmodels prevent any selectionsfrom being mode. Or you con lock the controls after you hove started o cycleor selected
only) DELAYSTARTso the cycleor DELAYSTARTis not interrupted.
Children cannot accidentally start dishwasher by touching pads with this option selected.
Tounlock the dishwasher after it has been locked, touch the LOCKpad twice within 3seconds. Thelight above
the LOCKpad will turn off.
DELAYHOURS Delays the start of a wash cycle for up to 8 hours.
RESET Touch RESETto cancel options.
(timer models)
START/RESET Touch START/RESETone time to start dishwasher cycle. Touch START/RESETa second time to pump out
(ebctronic modelsl and then turn off the dishwasher. Do not touch START/RESETmore than one time unless you intend to
end the cycle.