Dil ID: 6
Dil Adı: turkish
Dil Kodu: tr1tayfun Fagor Markası'nın Ürünleri
Dünyanın En Büyük
Elektronik Bilgi Kütüphanesi

Ne ver u sea spray c leaner to cl eanthe door pane las itco ulddama get he door lockand elec trical compo nen ts.
To c l ean the use a s of t, dam p r ag
edgesofthe dishwasher door, towipe
around the unit.
Be sure to the waterfromseeping intothe doorandontoanyof theelectrical
c omp on ent s . I t is bes t n ot to u se spr ay cl ean er s on t he d ish was h er.
It is also be st not t o use abra si ve c le ane rs or s co uri ng pads on the oute r
surfaceof thedishwasherastheytend to scratch and leave mark s.
Af ter ev ery wash, l eav e the doo r sli ghtl y ajar so
moistureandodors are not trapped insidethewasher.
Prior t o any cle aning o rmai nte nance to th edi shwasher,
it is recommence dthat you disc onnect the u nit from the
electr ical for saf ety.outlet
When cleaning
werecommendthatyoudo not use
the exterior and rubber partsof the
di shw ashe r, use
solv ents o r abra si ve c le aning pr odu cts , use on lya c l oth
an dwarm soa pyw ater. To r emove spot s or stai ns fr o m
thesurfaceof theinterior, use aclothdampenedwith
w ater and a lit tlew hite vine gar,ora cle aning pr oduct
m ade spe c ifically for d ishw as h ers.
If you should go o n vaca ti on,w e re com mend th at you
follow the below procedur e to kee pthe uni t i ni ts be st
shape. Run
a w ash cycle with the dishwasher e mpty
andthen removethep lug from the Turn offthe
water supply and leave th e door o f the a ppliance
slightly a jar. This will help the se als last l on ger and
preve ntodor s fro mfo rmin g wit hin the appl iance.
If the be mov ed, try to kee p in
th e ve rtical p o sit io n. If ab s olutely necessa r y, i t can
be position ed on i t s ba c k .
dishwasher needsto it
One ofthe manyfactorswhich can
seal s
of the dishwashe r.
cau seo dors to
forminthe dishwasher isfood trapped in the
Periodic cleaningwitha damp
sponge w illp revent thi sfr omo ccur ring .
Th is dis hwa sher is designed for oper atio non an adeq ua tely w ire d indi vidu al 1 20VAC,6 0Hz . Use
copper wireonly.Timedelayfusesor circuit provide
circ uit s erving only this app liance.
recommend ed 15
amp fus es and bre akers are reco mmended as t he y as epa ra t e
W hen installin gt he dis hwashe r,be sure no t to in sta ll it d ire ctly in fro ntof t he
outletit will beplugged into asthiswillblockaccessto it.Pleaserefer totheinstallation manual.
Aftermakingsure thevoltageandthe frequencyvaluesforthe currentin thehome
cor respo nd to t hose on the rating pl ate and that the electr ical syst emi ssized tor the ma ximum
vol tage on the r at ingp late, inse rt the pl ug into
If the e lec tr ical the pl ug, r eplac e t he usi ng
ada ptor s as the y co uld caus eov erh eat in gan d b urns.
a prope rlyg rounde delectr ical outl et.
outletis notsuitedfor outletinstead of
Keepingyourdishwasher inprimecondition