The installati on of t he pipes
and el ectrica lequi pments
should be do ne b y
a pr ofe ssio n al.
Electrical Shoc kHazard
Disconnect electrical power
before installing dishwash er.
Failuretodoso resultinmay
electricshock orpossibledeath.
Theinstallation ofthedishwashershould benear theexisting hosesandpowercord.
O ne sid e of th eca bin etsi nks houldb e cho sen tof acilita te t he conne ct io no f drai nho ses oft he dis hwa sher.
location inlet, drain
Note :Please check t he accompanyi ng insta llat ion ac cessories (ho ok for aest hetic pa nel , screw )
【】Figure 2
【】Figure 1
Top of Counter
Top of
Minimum s pace of 1.97 " (50mm).
Wheninstalling your
dishwasher,be sure to
l ea ve 0 .2 " (5m m) of sp ace
o r le ss be t wee n th e to p
of thedishwasher,
including thecloseddoor,
and the countertop.
90 °
90 °
Space between c abinet
bottom and floor
Electrical, drain and
water supply line
32.48" - 33.46"
If y our dis hw as her is to be i ns tal l ed
nextto a wall orcounter, besurethat
th er e is a mi n im um s pa ce o f 1.97" ( 50 mm )
betweenthe opened dish washer
doorand the adjacent wa llorcounter.
3.94" (100mm)
3.15" (80mm)
23.62" (600mm)