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012/16 Diesel, February 1997
For preventive maintenance operations must be applied at the interval (hours or months)
which occurs first.
A Daily
B Every 250 hours or 6 months
C Every 2500 hours or 12 months
* By a person who has had the correct training.
A B C Operation
● Check the coolant level
● Check the lubricating oil level
Check the restriction indicators for the air filters and, when
necessary, renew the filter elements
● Drain any water/sediment from the primary fuel filter
● Check the condition and the tension of all drive belts
● Check the specific gravity and the pH value of the coolant
● Renew the lubricating oil and filter
● Visually check for radiator air restriction
● Clean centrifugal oil filter
● Renew the canister of the main fuel filter
● Clean the water trap sedimenter
● Equalise bridge pieces and check valve clearances
Check that the air charge cooler and the radiator are clean and free
from debris
● Drain and flush the coolant system and renew coolant mixture
Ensure that the fuel injectors are checked and corrected or
renewed, if necessary*