4012/16 Diesel, February 1997 6
For engines which are in use for a total of less than 400 hours in every twelve months, the
schedule below must be used:
The preventive maintenance operations must be applied at the interval (hours or months)
which occurs first.
A Monthly
B 3 Months
C Every 200 hours or 6 months
D Every 1,000 hours or 12 months
NOTE: All bolts, hose clips, terminal connections, pipes and joints must be checked for
tightness and leaks every 3 months unless stated otherwise.
* By a person who has had the correct training.
A B C D Operation
● Check the amount of coolant
● Check the lubricating oil level
Check the restriction indicators for the air filters and, when
necessary, renew the filter elements
Start and run the engine on lad until normal temperature of
operation is reached
● Drain any water/sediment from the primary fuel filter
● Check the condition and the tension of all drive belts
● Check the specific gravity and the pH value of the coolant
● Renew the lubricating oil and filter
● Check radiator air restriction (visual)
● Clean centrifugal oil filter
● Renew the canister of the main fuel filter
Ensure that the fuel injectors are checked and corrected or
renewed, if necessary*
● Equalise bridge pieces and check valve clearances