HDMI Matrix Switcher
Transfer both the video and the audio signals from the input channel
[x1] to the output channels [x2], [x3] and [x4].
[x1]P[g]. Transfer both the video and the audio signals from the input channel
[x1] to the output group [g].
Together the output channels [x2], [x3] and [x4] to the output group
S[g]. Inquire the output channels of output group [g].
Status[x1]. Inquire the input channel to the output channel [x1].
Status. Inquire the input channel to the output channels one by one.
Save[Y]. Save the present operation to the preset command [Y]. [Y] ranges
from 0 to 9.
Recall[Y]. Recall the preset command [Y].
Clear[Y]. Clear the preset command [Y].
Remarks: Dot is one part of the RS232 code!
1. [x1], [x2], [x3] and [x4] are the symbols of input or output channels ranged according to the
model of the matrix switcher. If the symbols exceed the effective range, it would be taken as a
wrong command.
2. In above commands, “[”and “]” are symbols for easy reading and do not need to be typed in
actual operation.
3. Please remember to end the commands with the ending symbols “.” and “;”.
Detail Examples:
1、 Transfer signals from an input channel to all output channels: [x1]All.
Example: To transfer signals from the input channel No.3 to all output channels. Run Command:
2、 Transfer all input signals to the corresponding output channels respectively: All#.
Example: If this command is carried out, the status of it will be: 1->1, 2->2, 3->3, 4->4……16->16.
3、 Switch off all the output channels: All$.
Example: After running this command, there will be no signals on all the output channels.
4、 Check the version of the firmware: /^Version;
To check the version of the firmware.
5、 Switch off the detail feedback command from the COM port: /:MessageOff;
Switch off the detail feedback information from the COM port. But, it will leave the “switch OK” as
the feedback, when you switch the matrix.
6、 Switch on the detail feedback command from the COM port: /:MessageOn;
Switch on the detail feedback information from the COM port. it will show the detail switch
information when it switch. Example: when switch 1->2 for Audio, it will feedback “A0102”.
7、 Transfer signals from an input channel to the corresponding output channel: [x]#.
Example: To transfer signals from the input channel No.5 to the output channel No.5. Run
Command: “5#.”
8、Switch off an output channel: [x]$.
Example: To switch off the output channel No.5. Run Command: “5$.”