HDMI Matrix Switcher
9. Communication Protocol and Command
With this command system, the RS232 software is able to control and operate the MHD Matrix with
Communication protocol:
Baud rate: 9600 Data bit: 8 Stop bit: 1 Parity bit: none
/*Type; Inquire the models information.
/%Lock; Lock the keyboard of the control panel on the Matrix.
/%Unlock; Unlock the keyboard of the control panel on the Matrix.
/^Version; Inquire the version of firmware
/:MessageOff; Turn off the feedback command from the com port. It will only show
the “switcher OK”.
/:MessageOn; Turn on the feedback command from the com port.
EDIDMAuto. Refresh the EDID data with the most priority output port.
EDIDMInit. Recover the factory default EDID data.
EDIDM[X]B[Y]. Manually EDID switching. Copy the EDID data of output[X] to the
Undo. To cancel the previous operation.
Demo. Switch to the “demo” mode, 1->1, 2->2, 3->3 … and so on.
[x1]All. Transfer signals from the input channel [x1] to all output channels
All#. Transfer all input signals to the corresponding output channels
Operation Command
(PTN2.0 Command System)
All$. Switch off all the output channels.
[x1]#. Transfer signals from the input channel [x1] to the output channel
[x1]$. Switch off the output channel [x1].
[x1] V[x2]. Transfer the video signals from the input channel [x1] to the output
channel [x2].
Transfer the video signals from the input channel [x1] to the output
channels [x2], [x3] and [x4].
[x1] A[x2]. Transfer the audio signals from the input channel [x1] to the output
channel [x2].
Transfer the audio signals from the input channel [x1] to the output
channels [x2], [x3] and [x4].
[x1] B[x2]. Transfer both the video and the audio signals from the input channel
[x1] to the output channel [x2].