Second-Generation Channel Interface Processor (CIP2) Installation and Configuration 7
CIP2 Installation Prerequisites
Following is a partial-display example of the show microcode command output:
Router# show microcode
Microcode bundled in system
Card Microcode
Type Version device:filename
---- --------- -------------------
(additional display text omitted from this example)
CIP2 22-15 slot0:cip22-15
(additional display text omitted from this example)
Microcode flash default images
Note For all Cisco IOS releases earlier than Cisco IOS Release 11.1, the filenames of all CIP2
microcode images use the following nomenclature: cippnn-nn, where nn-nn is the specific
microcode version. As of Cisco IOS Release 11.1 or later, the filenames of all CIP2 (and CIP)
microcode images use the nomenclature cipnn-nn.
ESCON Channel Adapter Software, Hardware, and Microcode Prerequisites
The second-generation ESCON channel adapter is the latest Enterprise Systems Connection
Channel Adapter (ECA) available from Cisco Systems. Both ECA models can be used in all
Cisco 7000 series and Cisco 7500 series routers, and both ECAs are compatible with each other, and
with the CIP2.
The ECA/CIP2-motherboard assemblies ship as follows:
• Combination PCA and ECA—CX-CIP2-ECAP1(=)
• One ECA on a dual carrier—CX-CIP2-ECA1(=)
• Two ECAs on a dual carrier—CX-CIP2-ECA2(=)
(Add an equal sign (=) to the product number when you order interface processors as spares.)
Note The latest ECA has specific restrictions regarding the Cisco IOS release your host Cisco 7000
series or Cisco 7500 series router is running, and the CIP2 microcode images to use that are
compatible with the latest ECA and the Cisco IOS software images it requires.
Following are the specific Cisco IOS software and CIP2 microcode requirements that we
recommend you carefully observe, before you can use the latest ECA installed on your CIP2 card:
• CIP2 Microcode Release cipp21-14 or later, for Cisco 7000 series and Cisco 7500 series routers
running Cisco IOS Release 11.0(14) or later
• CIP2 Microcode Release cipp-k-22-15 or later, for Cisco 7000 series and Cisco 7500 series
routers running Cisco IOS Release 11.0(14)BT or later
• CIP2 Microcode Release cip22-15 or later, for Cisco IOS Release 11.1(10) or later, or Release
11.2(5) or later
The appropriate CIP2 microcode images are bundled with the Cisco IOS software.