Second-Generation Channel Interface Processor (CIP2) Installation and Configuration 47
CIP2 Microcode Guidelines
Copying to Flash Memory on an RSP or RSP7000
Copying a new image to Flash memory might be required whenever a new microcode image
becomes available. Use the command copy tftp:filename [ bootflash | slot0 | slot1 ]:filename for the
copy procedure where tftp:filename is the source of the file and [ bootflash | slot0 | slot1 ]:filename
is the destination in onboard Flash memory or on either of the Flash memory cards. An example of
the copy tftp:filename command for Cisco IOS Release 11.1 follows:
Router# copy tftp:cip1234 slot0:cip1234
2283972 bytes available on device flash, proceed? [confirm]
Address or name of remote host [biff.cisco.com]?
Accessing file “cip1234” on biff.cisco.com ...FOUND
Loading mhoerler/cip1234 from (via Ethernet0/0): !Verifying via checksum...
Flash verification successful. Length = 1, checksum = 0xFFFF
--- expanding multi-segment file ---
flash:cip1234_kernel_hw4 size = 238626
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Verifying via checksum... vvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Flash verification successful. Length = 238626, checksum = 0x0000
--- expanding multi-segment file ---
flash:cip1234_seg_802 size = 198600
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Verifying via checksum... vvvvvvvvvvvv
Flash verification successful. Length = 198600, checksum = 0x9237
--- expanding multi-segment file ---
flash:cip1234_seg_csna size = 102392
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Verifying via checksum... vvvvvv
Flash verification successful. Length = 102392, checksum = 0x771E
--- expanding multi-segment file ---
flash:cip1234_seg_eca size = 461408
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Verifying via checksum... vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Flash verification successful. Length = 461408, checksum = 0xB791
--- expanding multi-segment file ---
flash:cip1234_seg_offload size = 52608
!!!!!!!!!!Verifying via checksum... vvv
Flash verification successful. Length = 52608, checksum = 0x0FBC
--- expanding multi-segment file ---
flash:cip1234_seg_pca size = 69360
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Verifying via checksum... vvvv
Flash verification successful. Length = 69360, checksum = 0x737F
--- expanding multi-segment file ---
flash:cip1234_seg_tcpip size = 175320
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Verifying via checksum... vvvvvvvvvv
Flash verification successful. Length = 175320, checksum = 0xD416
Note In the preceding example, the exclamation points (!!!) appear as the file is downloaded, and
the “v” characters signify calculation of the checksum, which is a verification that the file has been
correctly downloaded to the Flash memory card.