48 BSGX4e Business Gateway User Guide
NN47928-102 Release 01.01
Setting the Time through an SNTP Server
The unit can automatically synchronize its internal time to the time provided by an
SNTP server. For automatic time synchronization:
The SNTP client configuration must specify at least one SNTP server and the
appropriate time zone offset.
The SNTP client must be enabled.
NOTE: To change an SNTP server, the SNTP client must be disabled.
SNTP Configuration Command
To configure the SNTP service, enter the following command:
> config system sntp
Table 11 describes the parameters for config system sntp.
SNTP Client Example
This example enables the SNTP client and specifies the name of the SNTP server and
the time zone offset.
FQDN of SNTP server : ntpserver.wan.com
GMT offset: one hour forward (+1)
> config system sntp enabled server1 ntpserver.wan.com
gmtoffset +1
*> save
Show SNTP Configuration
To see the SNTP client configuration, enter the following command:
> show system sntp
Table 11. SNTP Server Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description
enabled Enables the SNTP client (Boolean) To enable, specify enabled. To
disable, specify no enabled. The client is initially disabled.
server1 IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of an SNTP server.
server2 IP address or FQDN of an SNTP server.
server3 IP address or FQDN of an SNTP server.
server4 IP address or FQDN of an SNTP server.
gmtoffset Time zone offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) ([+|-]hh:mm,
hours and minutes, positive or negative).
sync Interval for resynchronization of the internal clock to the network
time (external clock) (in days,1—31). The default value is seven.