The encoding informs the data bus diagnostic
interface of which control units are fitted in
the vehicle.
In addition to the familiar encoding, the
function "Read/write long encoding" is
provided in the diagnostic interface. After
selecting this function, a list containing the
address words of all possible control units in
the vehicle is called up in the diagnosis tester
in the usual sequence.
Control Units
Control units can then be selected/rejected.
Pressing the "Continue" key transfers the
encoding to the control unit.
After encoding the diagnostic interface with
"long encoding", a fitting list should be read
out to check whether all control units in the
vehicle have been correctly encoded in the
Vehicle self-diagnosis
Read/write long encoding
19 - Data bus diagnostic interface
4E0910468 4E0907468-
Gateway H04 X200
Long encoding
Dealership number 6794
01 - Engine electronics Encoded
61 - Battery control Encoded
02 - Gearbox electronics Encoded
42 - Driver's door electronics Encoded
52 - Front passenger's door electronics Encoded
62 - Rear left door electronics Encoded
72 - Rear right door electronics Encoded
03 - Brake electronics Encoded
53 - Parking brake Encoded
34 - Adaptive suspension Not encoded
05 - Entry and start authorisation Encoded
15 - Airbag Encoded
55 - Headlight range control Encoded
65 - Tyre pressure monitoring Encoded
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