Flash Memory Test Mode Messages Description of Message
Test Access Denied
Press RESET to Continue
This message indicates the service
technician tried to run this test from
software residing in flash memory. This
test can only be run from software
residing in a Test ROM Module.
This error can occur when:
• The Flash Memory Test is run from
software residing in Flash Memory.
To correct this error:
1. Press the RESET key to continue.
2. Power the unit off.
3. Unlock and open the BIN 1 ACCESS
DOOR and remove entire cover set.
4. Plug the Test ROM Module into the
debug connector slot and orient the
two jumpers on J7 vertically.
5. Reattach the cover set and close and
lock the BIN 1 ACCESS DOOR.
6. Power the unit on.
Testing Flash Memory
< Please Wait >
This message indicates the printer is in
the process of testing the Flash memory.