Structure of the appliance
t (Cottons/Linen)
Main wash for cottons/linen (washing at r/cold up to 95 °C, rinsing/
fabric softening, spinning).
Position E: Energy saving of the program at approx. 67 °C for slightly
to normally soiled cottons, extended washing time
(cannot be combined with </Quick Wash and ä /Stain).
} (Easy Care)
Main wash for easy care fabrics (washing at r/cold up to 60 °C, rins-
ing/fabric softening, spinning).
à (Delicates)
Main wash for delicates (washing at r/cold or 40 °C, rinsing/fabric
softening, spinning, higher water level and reduced drum movement).
s (Woolens)
Main wash for machine washable woollens and especially delicate fab-
rics (wash r/cold up to 40 °C, rinsing/fabric softening, spinning,
higher water level and considerably reduced drum movement).
A (Gentle Rinse)
Separate gentle rinse, e.g. for rinsing fabrics washed by hand (2 rinses
and spin).
B (Starching)
Separate starching, separate fabric softening, separate impregnating
(one rinse runs, liquid detergent from the compartment w is added).
C (Pump Out)
Pumping out the water after a rinse hold (without any spinning at all).
D (Spin)
Pumping out the water after a rinse hold and spinning, or separate
spinning of hand washed cottons/linen.
F (Short Spin)
Pumping out the water after a rinse hold and short spinning, or sepa-
rate short spin of handwashed, delicate fabrics (easy care washing, del-
icates, woollens).