Philips sell this product subject to the understanding that if any defect in manufacture
or matenal shall appear in it v/itíun 12 months from the date of consumer sale, the
deafer from v.tiom the product v.'as purchased will arrange for sudì defect to be recti
fied Without diarge. provided:
1. Reasonable evidence is supplied that the product was purchased wnthm 12 months
prior to the date of claim.
2 The defect is not due to use of the product for other than domestic puiposes. cr on
an incoTed witage. or contrary to the Company's operating instructions, or to acci
dental damage (whether in transit or olheavise). misuse, neglect or inexpert repair
Products sent for sea^.ce should be adequately packed as no liability can be accepted
for damage cr loss in transit, and name and address must be enclosed
Facts about free service
V/hen ser.'ice is required, apply to the dea’er from whom tíie product w'as purchased.
Should any difficulty be experienced in obtaining Sea-ice. e g in the event of the dealer
having ceased to trade, you are ad-vsed to contact Philips Se^ice
These stete.r^ents do not affect the statutory rights of a consumer
If you have any questions which your dealer cannot answer, please wute to
philips ConsumerRelations,^P.O. Box298,420London Road,
CROYDON CR9 30R, or 9 (01) 689^2166 Consumer Advice.
Please retain this card Produce if servnce is required
Th'S apparatus t$ made of high quality material and great care has been taken m its
Philips, therefore, give you a guarantee on parts against failures arismg from faulty
workmanship Of material for 12 months after date of purchase This guarantee is v-alid
on the condition that this certificate is completed and signed immediately on delivery
of the apparatus In case of failure ask your dealer for further information
If you have any questions which your dealer cannot arts'.ver. you may appfy to
philips Electrical (Ireiand} Ud., Service Department, Newstead, Clonskeagb,
The benefits gaen to the purchaser try this warranty are in addition to all other rights
and remedies, which, under the Trade Practices Act or other Commonwealth or State
law. the purchaser or owner has in respect of the product
The Philips product carnes the follo.Mng w'arranties
C-senes HiFi'Systems 12 months Compact Disc Players 12 months Home Audio Sys
tems $ months Clock radios, portable radios, cassette recorders, cassette players and
radio recorders S0ds’,s
Any defect m materials or workmanship occurring within the specified period from tfie
date of delivery, will be rectified free of diarge by the retailer from whom this product
was purchased
A'ow Please retain your purchase docket to assist prompt se^vce
Conditions of this warranty
1. All claims for wamanty serv'ice must be made to the retailer from whom this product
v.'as purchased All transport charges ircurred in connection with w'arranty serv'ice or
rep'acement will be paid by the purchaser
2 These warranties do not cover batteries and e.xtend cnly to defects in materials or
workmanship occurring under normal use of the product where operated in accor
dance with cur instructions
Philips Consumer Products Division, Technology Park, Figtree Drive,
Australia Centre, H0MEBUSH2140, New South Wales
Thank-',Olí for purchasing this quati^' Philips product The document you are row read
ing isyourguarantee card
Pnilips fCevv Zealand Ltd guarantees this p’cduct against defective components and
faulty worr.mansh'p for a period of 12 months Any defect in materials or workmanship
occurring Within 12 months from the date of purchase su'0;ect to the follo.wng condi
tions Will be rectified free of charge by the retailer froiri .'.horn this product was pur
1. The product must have baen purchased in fievv Zealand, and №'$ guarantee card
completed at time of purchase (this is your proof of the date of purchase)
2 The guarantee applies only to faults caused by defective components, or faulty work
manship oi the part of the manufacturer
1 The guarantee does not cover failures caused by misuse, neglect, normal wear and
tear, accidental breakage, use on tíre incomect voltage, use contrary’ to operating in
structions. or unauthorised modification to the product or repair by an unauthorised
4. Reasonable evidence (m the form of a sales docket or completed guarantee card)
must ba supplied to indicate that the product was purchased no more than 12
months prior to the date of your claim
5. (n the event of a failure. Philips shall be under no liability for any inju^, cr any loss
or damage caused to p-operty or products otiier than the product under guarantee
Th's guarantee doss not prejud. ce your rights under common fa w and statute, and is m
addition to die norma! responsibilities of die retailer and Pivlips
How to claim.
Shoo'd yo jr Pnilips product fail vvthin the guarantee period, please return it to the re
tailer from whom it was purchased In most cases the retailer will be able to satisfacto
rily repair or rep’ace the product
Ho.ve.'er. should the retailer not be able to conclude the matter satisfactcniy. or if you
ba.eotherdifficulties claiming under this guarantee, p'eese contact
the Guarantee Controller, Philips New Zealand Ltd,
^P.O. Box 1041, AUCKLAND (09) 605-914
• Watwordtgegarandeerd?
Philips Nederland 8 V garandeert dat dit apparaat koste'oos werdt berste'd ird in - bj
normasl paiiailier gebruik volgens de gebruifisaan.vjjzir.g • t oner» 12 freer,den na
aankoopdatum fabricage- en/of matenaalfo jten eptreden
• Wie voert de garantie uit?
Da zoig vocr de uitvoermg v-an de garantie berust bi) de handa'aar d e u bat epparaat
verkocht heaft De handelaarliandaarbijeventueelean bareapdean op eend:r Philips
• Uw aankoopbon -f de identifícatiekaart
Oe identificatie'^art is uw garantiebe.Mjs U lujnt allaen een taroap d:an op de b>
venomschreven garantie tegen o.erleggmg van de aankoopbon (factui.^ fassaton of
kwitantie). in combmatie met de identificatekaart. waarep tipanummar cn sericnum-
mer ii^n venmeld Uit de aankoopbon d.enen du deli]', de aan^copdatim cn de ream
van de hande'aar te blijken Mocht bet noodzake'ijkzijn daze dccumanten oon u.v han-
delaaraf tegeven. dankontubeTidoaamor eanont'.angstta.vijsvragan
Oe garante veaalt mien op degenoemde d::umantenietsisva!'a’‘da'd,door9ah3a'd,
veavqderd of on’eesbaar gsmaakt Oe garante venait e.eneens iniden hot t,p:num-
mer en/of serienummer op bet apparaat is verarda'd. deergehao'd, vcr.vjdo'd of o>
• Hoe te handelen hi} een storing?
Om ennodige kosten te voorkomen. raden wj u aan b j storm gen eorst nau.'.^ejng da
gebfüiksaanvviizing te lezen Indien de getrui'^saan-viizing daarm gaen uitkomst b edt.
kunt u UVV hande'aar raadp’egen en/of bem het apparaat ter repa-ati e aanb eden
• ...en bij Problemen?
6ij Problemen omtrent de garante-uitvoenr.g kunt u z>ch in ve*t rdmg ste'ten met
Philips Nederland B.V. Afdeling Consumentenbelangen Antwoordnummer 500,
5600 VB EINDHOVENip ostzegel r i et n o j g). of g 040-781178.
Philips-Gerate sind aus e.nwandfre.em r.'atenal und mit großer Sorgfalt bergestoM
worden Dieses Gerat wird Ihnen gute Dienste leisten, sofern es saohgem.2 bedient
und unterhalten Wird
Trotz aller So''gf3lt ist das Auftreten von Fehlem ncht ganz a jszuochlieCen im Faüe
eines Defe’les wenden Sie sch bitte unter Vorlage des ErkaufoOo'eges und dos
Gerdtepasses an das Fachgeschäft m we’chemSie das Gerat ev.O'b an baten
Les appareils Philips ont été fabriqués au mo,en de maténaux da tcute premi¿ro qual
ité et avec beaucoup de soins Cet appare.l vous donnera encore p’usde satsfeoit'Cn si
i'utilisaiion et l'entretien sont sur.isse'on le mode d'emp’oi
P/algré tous les soins apportés, l'appantion do défauts rv'est pos c-c'ue Dans ce cas,
nous vous serions reconnaissante de b en voj’o r vous adresser d reotorr,ont choz votre
vendeur muni du passeport de i'appareil a nsi que de la facture s'y repo-tant.
Gil apparecchi Philips sono prodotti con motafia'i di pnma qua' tù e ossarrb’ati con la
massima cura Essi Vi offriranno un ottm-.o serviZ'O. in camb o di un aocumto u:o e
N'algrado tutti i rostn sforzi, non è escluso che possano av.en.re dai guoisti in caso di
difetto Vi preghramo di nvo'garVi al Vostro fomitore spiC’ai'ZZOïo, portando con Voi li
passaporto assieme ai dccumenti d'acquisto
In Belgie en Luxemburg çelden uits'uitend de oarantebepo' n:an dem bat door u.v
handefaarvarstrekiegararitiebaw'ijs staan aangaga.an
• VoorBeIgiè:M en u na de aankcop v'an ean of andar Fn i ps apparaat p'ob'crron
heeft met bijv de waarborg, de warkmg, of bet gabruik enan, en indien de verdc'er d e
u deze apparaten veiccht heeft moeiliikhaden ordeaindt cm deze prob'erran op lo
lessen, stelt u zich dan telefonisch cf schnfteli.k in vaitrd'ng m,at 0"ize dicnst
'KlantenKontakf.deBrouckèrepleinZ 1000-BRUSSEL02^119111
Pour ies conditions de garantie en Belg'que et laxembourg vaj’i'ezvous référer à la
carte de garantie que le re. en deur do it vous remettre
• Pour la Belgique: Si l'achat de Tunoj l'autre eppare I fh ips vous a.ej des
problèmes concernant par exemple la garante, ie foncitonnomant ou rutisation de
l'appareil et que le distributeur qui vous a vendu ces appareils éprou.e des difficultés
pour ies résoudre, prenez contact soit par té'épho'e. sot par éent a.ec notre son. co
'Contact Clientèle', Place de Brouckère Z1000-BRÜXELIFS-•S 02/2119111
In Osîerre.ch ist d.e Gewährleistung für Verträge rv.jS'Ohon Hur d'or und Kuufer geoetz-
lich geregs’t Zur Geltendmachung des Ge.vabriS'Stungsansp'ichis d.ent der Kauf
O.e Osterre d^isríie Philips Industrie GmbH unterstützt d e 6e.*.jhrlC‘Stungs'.arpii.ch-
tung ihres Handlers fur Neugerate, d'e der Handel über d e Osterre chiseba fmiips in
dustrie GmbH bzw Homy Vertnebsgmbh bezogen bat dadurch, doG fur don Käufer m-
nertrali) von 6 Monaten ab Verkaufsdatum Fun’tionsmongel (fabnkations- eder Mate-
nalfehler) in amer unserer Seaice-filia'en kostenlos, dh ohr a Verrechnung von Ar
beitszeit und Material, behoben werden
Schaden, die durch auGere Einflüsse. unsachgemaGe Behandlung odor unsac/jointfilesconvert/1677044/bgoTiiG'On
Fremdemgnff entstanden sind, sowie Gehausefeh’er oder G'aobruch, smd von d eser
Zusage ausgeschlossen
Philips Zentrale Kundeninformation:
- 1101 WIEN, Triesterstraße 64, S 0222-6010UDW1620 oder 1563
- 6020 INNSBRUCK, Klostergasse 4, ® 05222-74694
- 9020KIAGENFURT, Villacher Straße 161,'ÏÎ0463-22397-DW94
Philips Service-Organisation: 1232 WIEN, Ketzergasse 120, P 0222-8662-0