12/2001 P/N: 9038023-12 Subject to Change Without Notice Page: 4 of 15
35 Industrial Way
PO Box 5005
Rochester, NH 03867-5005
(603) 332-9400
on the system(s).
9. A new UI for VLAN configuration has been added in this release of firmware. Please refer to the section titled
New Local Management Console Menu Items in this release note.
10. Ping response time has been enhanced. The VH-2402S operating system ensures higher priority tasks such
as NVRAM Updates or Address Monitoring (i.e. Spanning Tree) take precedence over PING. This ensures
the system(s) will remain operational.
11. The following issue has been fixed in this release of firmware. When the transmission rate of Layer 3 packets
increases, the rate at which reports are forwarded out the router port decreases. As the rate of Layer 3
packets increases, the forwarding of joins decreases.
12. The following issues have been fixed in this version of firmware. Multicast addresses 01-80-C2-00-00-02
through 01-80-C2-00-00-15 were dropped when Spanning Tree was enabled.
1. When a Gigabit port on the VH-2402S is connected to a Gigabit port on an SSR, auto-negotiation fails if the
SSR is power-cycled while the VH-2402Sis operational. It is necessary to set the speed on both ports.
2. When the speed of a Gigabit port is changed from a specific speed to auto-negotiate mode, the user must
disconnect and reconnect the cable to cause auto-negotiation to occur.
3. When a port is in the Spanning Tree Blocking state, incoming packets will continue to be counted in its
RMON counters.
4. When packets that originate at the CPU are transmitted out a mirror target port, they will have no CRC.
5. When a combination of high and low priority traffic is transmitted from a high speed port to a lower speed
port, some high priority packets may be dropped, if the traffic from the high speed port oversubscribes the
low speed port.
6. When Fast STA is disabled, the configuration count increases by one when a port transitions from a “NO
LINK” state to a “BLOCKED” state.
7. Do not trunk ports with IP Multicast clients.
8. Configuration parameters are not retained when downgrading to a lesser image from version 2.04.01
9. When building a 7 unit high stack, units 5, 6 and 7 must have Microcode version 1.11 or greater. Units 1
through 4 can use a lesser Microcode version than 1.11.
10. It is not possible to downgrade from firmware version 2.03.12 or higher down to version 2.02. or lower. If
the management agent is running any version of firmware above 2.2, and 2.2 or lower code is downloaded
onto the management card, then the management card will fail. This will be addressed via a new utility in
the future.
11. MAC to Port Locking- When a user creates one set of secure addresses on port 1 and then a different set of
secure addresses on port 2 and then transmits a packet with a port 1 secure address into port 2, the packet
is forwarded. Secure Addresses on port 1 will be forwarded to port 2. This issue is a limitation of the
switching chip. The workaround is to configure MAC to port locking as follows: When assigning Secure
addresses, note that the following port group combinations will “share” Secure addresses.
Group 1 ports 1,2,3,4,13,14,15,16
Group 2 ports 5,6,7,8,17,18,19,20
Group 3 ports 9,10,11,12,21,22,23,24
Ports on the optional 100/1000Mbps uplink cards are not effected by this functionality.
12. The user may observe screen corruption when the console is run on a Compaq PC.
13. The user may not see values updated within Web Management. Please ensure your Web Browser
“Temporary Internet Files Setting” is set to “Every visit to the page.”