ZyWALL 2 Plus User’s Guide
CHAP 486, 513
CNM 396
command interpreter mode 587
command line 573
FTP 573
computer names 136, 138
configuration backup 460, 572
TFTP 575
configuration information 462
configuration restore 460, 577
via console port 584
connection ID/name 514
console port 467, 561
configuration upload 584
data bits 467
file backup 576
file upload 583
flow control 467
parity 467
restoring files 579
settings 467
speed 561, 562
stop bit 467
contact information 673
content filter general 224
content filtering 223
categories 223
days and times 223
filter list 223
object 240
policy 227
restrict web features 223
URL for blocked access 227
copyright 669
custom ports 216
customer support 673
data bits 467
Data Terminal Ready. See DTR
date setting 449, 591
daylight saving 451, 592
Daytime time protocol 451
configuration 476, 477
host 479
offline 479
type 479
use server detected IP 479
wildcard 479
default configuration 53
default server IP address 340
default settings 461
Denial of Service. See DoS.
device introduction 47
DHCP 65, 135, 136, 374, 493
Relay 493
Server 493
WAN 568
DHCP clients 448
DHCP table 65
diagnostic 567
diagnostics 462
dial timeout 485
Diffie-Hellman key group 258
Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) 273
Dimensions 613
disclaimer 669
IP alias setup 503
port filter setup 501
setup 501
TCP/IP setup 502
DNS 395
DNS Server
For VPN Host 366
DNS server address assignment 153
domain name 447, 562
Domain Name System. See DNS.
DoS 191, 214
drop timeout 485
DSL modem 511
DTR 168, 484
Dynamic DNS 374
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. See DHCP.
DYNDNS Wildcard 366, 374
Encapsulating Security Payload. See ESP.
encapsulation 498, 510, 514
and active protocol 272
transport mode 272
tunnel mode 272
VPN 272
encryption algorithms 257, 263
and active protocol 257
entering information 469
ESP 272
and transport mode 273