ZyWALL 2 Plus User’s Guide
9600 baud 467
active protocol 272
AH 272
and encapsulation 272
ESP 272
Address Assignment 365
address assignment 153
AH 272
and transport mode 273
ALG 411
RTP 412
SIP 413
STUN 413
allocated budget 486, 513
alternative subnet mask notation 647
anti-probing 211
Application Layer Gateway. See ALG.
Applications 47
broadband connection 47
applications 47
asymmetrical routes 202
vs virtual interfaces 202
AT command 483, 572
authentication 512
authentication algorithms 257, 263
and active protocol 257
Authentication Header. See AH.
authentication protocol 486, 512
backup configuration 460, 572
TFTP 575
bandwidth class 351
bandwidth filter 351
bandwidth management 351
address type 361
bandwidth borrowing 355
bandwidth class 351
bandwidth filter 351, 360
class configuration 359
class setup 358
fairness-based scheduler 353
maximize bandwidth usage 353, 358
monitor 363
priority-based scheduler 353
proportional allocation 352
root class 358
scheduler 353, 358
statistics 362
sub-class layers 358
baud 467
BPDU 146
bridge firewall 57, 147, 456
Bridge Protocol Data Unit. See BPDU.
broadcast 135
budget 513
budget management 589
CA 295
call back delay 485
call control 589
call history 590
call scheduling 599
max number of schedule sets 599
PPPoE 601
precedence 599
setting up a schedule 600
call-triggering packet 566
certificate 267
certificates 295
and IKE SA 259
CA 295
thumbprint algorithms 296
thumbprints 296
verifying fingerprints 296
Certification Authority. See CA.
certifications 669
notices 670
viewing 670
changing the password 472