Before You Call for Service
Save time and money. Check this list of causes of minor
operating problems you con correct yourself.
Refrigerator does not operate
® May be in defrost cycle when motor does not operate for
about 30 minutes.
« Temperature control in OFF position.
® If interior light is not on, refrigerator may not be plugged in at
wall outlet.
® If plug is secure and refrigerator fails to operate, plug lamp
into same outlet to determine if there is tripped circuit breaker
or burned out fuse.
Motor operates for long periods
® Modern refrigerators with more storage space and a larger
freezer require more operating time.
® Normal when refrigerator is first delivered to your home—
usually requires 24 hours to completely cool down,
® Lorge omounts of food placed in refrigerator to be cooled or
« Hot weather—frequent door openings.
» Door left open.
® Temperature controls set too cold. See page 4.
® Condenser needs deoning. Refer to роде 13,
® Check ENERGY-SAVING TIPS on page 4.
Operating sounds
® The high speed compressor motor required to maintain neor
zero temperatures in the large freezer compartment moy
produce higher sound levels thon your old refrigerator,
• Normal fan oir flow—one fan blows cold air through the
refrigerator and freezer compartments—another fan cools the
compressor motor.
® These NORMAL sounds will also be heard from time to time:
« Defrost timer switch dicks at defrost,
® Defrost water dripping,
• Temperature control clicks ON or OFF.
® Refrigerant boiling or gurgling.
® Cracking or popping of cooling coils caused by exponsion and
contraction during defrost and refrigeration following defrost.
® Icecubes dropping into the bin and water running in pipes as
icemaker refills.
Motor starts & stops frequently
® Temperature control starts and stops motor to maintain even
temperatures. This is normal,
Door not closing properly
« Door gasket on hinge side sticking or folding over. To correct,
put a small amount of petroleum jelly on face of gasket.
Vibration or rattling
® If refrigerator vibrates, more than likely it is not resting
solidly on the floor. The front roller screws need adjusting, or
floor is weak or uneven. Refer to page 3.
® If dishes vibrate on shelves, try moving them. Slight vibration
is normal.
Foods dry out
» Foods not covered, wrapped or sealed properly.
Fresh food or freezer compartment temperature too
» Temperature control not set cold enough. Refer to page 4.
® Warm weather—frequent door openings.
® Door left open for long time
® Package may be holding door open.
Frost or ice crystals on frozen food
® Door moy have been left ajar or pockage holding door open.
® Too frequent or too long door openings.
® Frost within package is normal.
Slow ice cube freezing
® Door may have been left ojar.
o Turn temperature of freezer compartment colder.
Ice cubes have odor/toste
9 Old cubes need to be discarded. Empty ice bin every 30 days.
® Ice storage bin needs to be washed.
® Unsealed packoges in refrigerator and/or freezer
compartments may be transmitting odor/taste to tee cubes.
® Inferior of refrigerator needs cleaning. Refer to page 12.
Automatic icemaker does not work
9 Icemaker feeler arm in OFF (up) position
® Water supply turned off or not connected.
® Freezer comportment too warm.
® Cubes too small—water shutoff valve connecting refrigerator
to home water line moy be dogged.
» Sometimes cubes fuse to the side of the ice mold and hold the
feeler arm in the OFF (up) position. Remove this ice to restart
the icemaker.
® Piled up cubes in storage bin may cause icemaker to shut off
prematurely. With icemaker feeler arm in OFF (up) position,
level cubes in bin by hand
® When leveling cubes by hand, you may have pushed the feeler
arm into the OFF (up) position by mistake.