EDR data are recorded by your vehicle only
if a nontrivial crash situation occurs; no
data are recorded by the EDR under normal
driving conditions and no personal data
(for example, name, gender, age and crash
location) are recorded. However, other par-
ties, such as law enforcement, could com-
bine the EDR data with the type of person-
ally identifying data routinely acquired
during a crash investigation.
To read data recorded by an EDR, special
equipment is required and access to the
vehicle or the EDR is needed. In addition
to the vehicle manufacturer and NISSAN
certified LEAF dealer, other parties, such
as law enforcement, that have the special
equipment, can read the information if
they have access to the vehicle or the
EDR. EDR data will only be accessed with
the consent of the vehicle owner or lessee
or as otherwise required or permitted by
Genuine NISSAN Service Manuals for this model
year and prior can be purchased. A genuine
NISSAN Service Manual is the best source of
service and repair information for your vehicle.
This manual is the same one used by the factory
trained technicians working at a NISSAN certi-
fied LEAF dealer. Genuine NISSAN Owner’s
Manuals can also be purchased.
In the USA:
For current pricing and availability of genuine
NISSAN Service Manuals contact:
For current pricing and availability of genuine
NISSAN Owner’s Manuals contact:
In Canada:
To purchase a copy of a genuine NISSAN Ser-
vice Manual or Owner’s Manual for this model
year and prior please contact a NISSAN certified
LEAF dealer. For the phone number and location
of a NISSAN certified LEAF dealer in your area
call the NISSAN Information Center at
1-800-387-0122 and a bilingual NISSAN repre-
sentative will assist you.
9-18 Technical and consumer information