Burley Bee Owner’s Instruction and Safety Manual
Folding Your Burley Bee
Folding your Burley Bee is basically the reverse of unfolding it. Familiarize yourself
with unfolding the trailer as outlined above. To fold your trailer:
1. Remove the safety fl ag.
2. Remove the tongue by pulling out the hairpin cotter and lock pin and reversing
the process described previously.
3. Remove the wheels and store them in a safe place.
4. Remove the cover and store in a safe place.
5. Unclip the frame locks at the top rear of the frame.
6. Push the rear part of the trailer forward and down while simultaneously pushing
the top of the trailer down.
We recommend reinserting the safety pins in their receptacles
for storage or transport to avoid snagging.
You can partially fold your Burley Bee as needed. Your options are to fold only the
top, remove only the tongue and hitch, remove the quick release wheels, or any
combination of the above. Do not operate your trailer in a partially folded condition.
V. Using the Seat Harness
Only passengers who are able to wear a helmet and sit
upright, unassisted should ride in a trailer. Adequate neck
strength is required to hold head upright while trailering. A
physician should evaluate anyone who is of questionable
developmental age for trailering.
The straps and sliding buckles sewn to the backrest of the child seat are part of
a self-ad just ing sys tem that keeps the shoulder straps at the correct height for
children of various sizes. When you tighten the shoulder har ness, the sliding buckles
allow the shoulder belts to come across the top of the child’s shoulders, cre at ing
a snug fi t. In addition, the sliding buckles keep the straps from falling off of the