Burley Bee Owner’s Instruction and Safety Manual
VI. Hitching the Burley Bee to Your Bicycle
The trail er hitch was designed to quick ly and safe ly at tach to vir tu al ly all types of
bi cy cles. It is in sert ed in front of the left rear drop out of your bicycle.
Hitching the Trailer to Your Bicycle
1. Loos en the knob on the eye bolt un til the two arms are spread fully apart.
2. Slip the low er hitch arm un der the chain stay (A) and the up per arm above the
seat stay (B).
3. Wedge the hitch cone all the way back into the an gle formed by the stays at the
4. Tight en the knob un til the arms are fi rm ly clamped against the stays. Wrap the
safe ty strap around the in side of the chain stay, over the hitch body, and back to
the D-ring at the end of the tongue.
Make sure that the cone is wedged se cure ly into the stays. The knob should be
fi nger-tight; do not overtighten. The hitch should not move, but should al low the
bi cy cle com plete move ment, in clud ing ly ing it down on the ground. It should clear
any racks, bags, or fi t tings you have on your bi cy cle. If there is any in ter fer ence,
con tact your Burley dealer.
IMPORTANT: Re move trailer from your bi cy cle when it’s not in
use to pre vent de form ing the plastic hitch.
Do not operate trailer without hitch safety strap prop er ly
installed. A dangling safety strap can contact spokes and
damage rear wheel or cause an ac ci dent re sult ing in se ri ous