Where to install
and even floor
Unstable installation may cause vibration and
noise. If the floor to install the refrigerator on
is not even, make the refrigerator level by
rotating the height adjusting screw. Carpet
or floor covering on which a refrigerator is
installed may be discolored by heat from the
bottom of the refrigerator.
Do not allow carpet or flooring to block
airflow under the refrigerator.
Select a good
Where water
supply can be
easily connected
in a dry place
Where it is free
from heat
1. Place your appliance where it is easy to use.
2. Avoid placing the unit near heat sources, direct
sunlight, or moisture.
3. To ensure proper air circulation around the
refrigerator, please maintain sufficient space on
both the sides as well as top and maintain at least
2 inches (5 cm) from the rear wall.
4. To avoid vibrations, the appliance must be leveled.
5. Don't install the appliance below 5°C (41 °F).
it may cause affect the performance.
Select a place where a water supply can be
easily connected between the automatic ice
maker and dispenser,
installing the refrigerator in a wet or damp
area may cause rust and may bean electrical
if this refrigerator is installed where the
ambient temperature is high, the freezing
capacity is deteriorated and the cost of
electricity used increases.
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