the refrigerator
to a water source
/t\ Warning
Tools required
Cold water supply
Water connection instruction guide
Read all directions carefully before you begin.
CoEinesiE to a poiabie wateE' suiifily o;tiy.
•If :QperafjEig.tbej'efrigeratp:r:befor.e.idstal|ing:flte.y/aterfc6nne turnucs-makef; ■;
;:totlfeDFF;'po&ition fbipreyenl Gpefafioii vvithout r'/c ■;if f e // f
•:A(|u.nstailations rn.fist fee rhiaccord vVitli Ideal pllindding: code reciLEireEiiehts/y
•:Us0ico|'dief;tubin(j;:ahd;checV.fbb V ///V /yV.-: . ■ ii ■■ f/.-: : ■ f -
VIrfstajl copper tubi.n.g only:in areaS;where-teniperatures yvilttemajn aboyefreeziitg.;
’■:it 'rday:ta:l<e.up:to.-24- hciurs fdryb.urilcemakerdofaegln prodijcIniguGef f f f f f f f f f b f ■
> Standard screwdriver
> 7/1 e-inch and 1/2-inch open-end wrenches or two adjustable wrenches
' 1/4-inch nut driver
i 1/4-inch drill bit
' Hand drill or electric drill (properly grounded)
Your nefrig.eratordeater.has.a/kit-available.witliTa ;1/4-inch.sadd|e-typ.eshutoff-yalve^
■iabuEnioEf, and copper tubing: iBMdre .pLirchasjng. make' suire a- saddle-type valve: ■ / ■■
cQitt plies with/your Idfial-.pliirnbirig Codes:, pd/hot-LiEie ¿Ypterci.nggypeidr 3/16i-inch.
■EVaddleyafy.eivvhich'redLice&. Water :f)dwja-hd-cldgsirnorei easily/
The icemaker water valve contains a flow washer which is used as a water
pressure regulator.
The icemaker needs to be connected to a cold water line with water pressure
20-120 psi (Ib/inchO