Leica IP S
Error messages (continued)
Source of error
Troubleshooting solution
7. Troubleshooting
Faulty control data received (program bug)
Settings for the serial interface incorrect or the instru-
ment configuration conflicts with the PC configuration.
Carry out a RESET on the printer.
Check cable connection to the PC.
Check configuration of serial port of
the PC and reboot the PC.
Transmitted data do not contain confirmation of
receipt or data transmission was not confirmed by
the PC.
Follow the same procedure as for
Try another printer cable.
Print image exceeding the vertical limit. Error caused by application software.
Print image exceeding the horizontal limit. Error caused by application software.
The CRC test of the EEPROM returned an error when
the instrument was switched on.
Call Leica Technical Service.
Internal firmware error or
defective controller.
Call Leica Technical Service.
Mechanical problem makes ejection of cassettes from
magazine difficult.
Check ejection mechanism. Remove
foreign bodies, then clean with brush.
A print job was attempted with a storage fluid cartridge
Remove storage cartridge and insert
ink cartridge. Insert ink cartridge and
press LOADED to confirm. (See Chap-
ter 4.9)
Power supply unit does not achieve standard operat-
ing voltage.
Call Leica Technical Service.
Firmware only partially loaded or not loaded at all.
Flash memory defective.
Call Leica Technical Service.
Wrong firmware. Call Leica Technical Service.