Leica IP S
7. Troubleshooting
7.3 Error messages
Source of error
Troubleshooting solution
Magazine output mechanically blocked. Remove the cause of the blockage.
Faulty ejection of a slide. Magazine output blocked. Remove the slide.
Transfer of a slide from the chute to the specimen
slide carrier failed. Horizontal motor either incorrectly
positioned or mechanically blocked.
Remove the slide.
Slide is stuck in the feeding chute. Remove the slide.
Horizontal drive is mechanically blocked. Remove the slide.
Vertical drive is mechanically blocked. Remove the slide.
Rotational motion is mechanically blocked. Remove the slide.
Slide not correctly clamped in specimen slide carrier.
Slide did leave the feeding chute but did not reach the
specimen slide carrier.
Remove the slide from the specimen
slide carrier.
Slide did not leave the specimen slide carrier or was
still located in the specimen slide carrier during initial-
Remove the slide from the specimen
slide carrier.
The ink print head is getting too hot.
Ambient temperature too high or electronics defective.
Switch instrument off and let it cool off.
The instrument remains disabled until
the print head has cooled down to a
temperature value within the permis-
sible range.
Check ambient temperature.
No or incorrect voltage at ink print head. Call Leica Technical Service.