ge intelligent platforms » military and aerospace selection guide 20112
There is no such thing as a “minor glitch” in a military
and aerospace computing or communications system.
The mission-criticality of the hardware, software and support
programs we provide to contractors for ground, air, sea,
unmanned vehicles and command and control stations is
unquestioned. Starting with cost- and time-saving commercial
off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies based on open architectures
and standards, our products are engineered to ensure
deployment-ready technology with the appropriate level of
ruggedization and size, weight, and power for the design
parameters at hand.
GE Intelligent Platforms has a proven track record as a
subsystem supplier to major military and aerospace contractors.
We have earned the reputation of being able to deliver
subsystems that in some cases have clocked more than two
decades of failure-free service, yet being agile enough to
develop technologies for the most forward-thinking military
and aerospace platforms. The military and aerospace arena
is a major core focus of our business, and we invest heavily in
developing new ruggedized computing and communications
products that leverage COTS technologies.
We also draw upon a corporate culture with a long track record in
military and aerospace research and development as part of one
of the world’s largest and most stable corporations. GE has more
than 100 years of experience supplying technology to the defense
industry, including having developed the first jet engine for military
use. Various divisions of the company subsequently developed
numerous subsystems for military and aerospace contractors.
photo courtesy of u.s. air force »
spc edward a. garibay