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012/16 Diesel, February 1997
A four point gauge may also be fitted which
measures the exhaust temperature of both
banks before as well as after the
turbocharger (see Fig. 25 and Fig. 26).
NOTE: These gauges are wired with 'A'
bank defined as 'the left hand bank as
viewed from the FRONT (free end) of the
With both the above gauges, a thermocouple
is inserted into each exhaust at the point to
be measured, and is connected via armour
braided cable to a nylon terminal connector.
Type K compensating cables are used to
connect the nylon terminal connector to the
gauge. (see Fig. 22).
iring is quite straightforward, with the
positive (red) terminal on the nylon terminal
connector, connected to its corresponding
positive (red) terminal at the back of the
gauge (see
Figs. 22, 24 and 26).
(Fig. 26)
1 24V DC Suppy
Fig. 25
Fig. 26