8 Clear-Com FreeSpeak
FreeSpeak Integra allows all FreeSpeak beltpack users to communicate
to any matrix panel, partyline or interface on the Clear-Com Matrix
System on a one-to-one or group basis. The FreeSpeak Beltpack
seamlessly integrates with the Clear-Com Eclipse HX-Omega, Eclipse
HX-Median and Eclipse HX-Delta Matrix Systems via a cell controller
card called the E-Que card, which is directly tted in the matrix frames.
FreeSpeak Integra offers the ability to individually address
each beltpack and then connect that beltpack to one or
many users on the Matrix.
Patented Dynamic Port Allocation technology allows
the beltpacks to roam between Active Antennas without
breaking connections to the Matrix users.
Standard CAT-5 cabling connects beltpacks to the Matrix
via a network of Active Antennas and antenna splitter.
Simply add additional Active Antennas to expand
number of users.
Unique to Clear-Com, FreeSpeak Integra
is the only seamlessly integrated wireless
beltpack to Digital Matrix Systems intercom
solution on the market.
The E-Que card provides connectivity between the
beltpacks and any number of ports within the Matrix
System, thereby creating a truly seamless environment.
Up to 40 wireless beltpacks per E-Que card (depending
on environment) can roam between 40 Active Antennas
and communicate on a Matrix System. Up to four E-Que
cards can be used in one Matrix frame.