Cisco 12000 Series Internet Router Configuration Guide for Cisco IOS Release 12.0S
Chapter 2 Basic Configuration of the Cisco 12000 Series Internet Router
Configuration Tasks
In global configuration mode, you will enter all the necessary commands to configure your router. The
remainder of this document describes typical configuration tasks that you may need to perform. To
display a list of the configuration commands available to you, enter a question mark (?) at the prompt or
press the designated help key on the terminal keyboard while in configuration mode. For more
information concerning Cisco IOS configuration commands, refer to the Cisco IOS Command Reference
located at:
Configuration Tasks
This section details initializing configuration tasks that should be performed on your router. Each task
can be performed using either the setup command facility or the global configuration mode.
• Configuring the Router Host Name, page 2-6
• Configuring Passwords on the Router, page 2-6
• Configuring Ethernet Access for Network Management, page 2-7
• Configuring Line Card Interfaces, page 2-8
Command Purpose
Step 1
Continue with configuration dialog?
[yes/no]: no
Enters user EXEC mode on the router without entering the
setup command facility. You receive this prompt when you
initially boot the router. If you have completed the setup
command facility, you will already be in user EXEC mode and
can continue with Step 2.
Step 2
Router> enable
Enters privileged EXEC mode on the router. Depending on the
system and the software version, you may be prompted for a
password. The prompt changes to Router# in privileged EXEC
Step 3
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.
End with CNTL/Z.
Enters global configuration mode, from which you can enter
most of the configuration commands needed to change the
system configuration. The prompt changes to Router(config)#
in global configuration mode. When you are finished entering
configuration commands, press Ctrl-Z to exit global
configuration mode.
Step 4
Router(config)# interface
type slot/port
Enters interface configuration mode for the specified interface.
In interface configuration mode, you can enter commands to
change the interface configuration. The prompt changes to
Router(config-f)# in interface configuration mode. When
you are finished entering configuration commands, press
Ctrl-Z to exit the configuration mode and return to privileged
EXEC mode. Use the exit command to return to global
configuration mode.
Step 5
Router# copy running-config startup-config
Router# write memory
Saves the running configuration changes to NVRAM. If you do
not save the running configuration to NVRAM, your
configuration settings will be lost the next time you reload the