Cisco 12000 Series Internet Router Configuration Guide for Cisco IOS Release 12.0S
Chapter 2 Basic Configuration of the Cisco 12000 Series Internet Router
Cisco IOS Software Images
Locating a Valid Cisco IOS Software Image
If your router does not find a valid system software image, the system should enter read-only memory
(ROM) monitor mode and display the ROM monitor prompt (Rommon>). From this mode, you can use the
following commands to locate a valid system image.
The following examples show the output from these commands:
Rommon 1> dir bootflash:
Directory of bootflash:/
1 -rw- 5043356 Jan 01 2000 00:01:15 gsr-boot-mz.120-8.S
Rommon 2> dir slot0:
Directory of slot0:/
1 -rw- 13778192 Jan 14 2002 18:24:26 gsr-p-mz.120-19.S.bin
12 -rw- 3973 Sep 03 2002 23:09:47 ozRun
20578304 bytes total (6762344 bytes free)
Manually Booting from a Cisco IOS Software Image
If your router does not find a valid system software image, you will need to boot an image manually by
issuing the appropriate ROM monitor mode boot command. Once you have located a software image,
use one of the following forms of the boot command to boot the router:
Command Purpose
Rommon 1> dir bootflash:
Displays the contents of the single inline memory module (SIMM), also known
as the bootflash, on the route processor (RP). Images in the bootflash are
mini-software images that are used for basic configuration tasks only.
Rommon 2> dir slot0:
Rommon 2> dir slot1:
Displays the contents of the Flash memory card (if present) in either PCMCIA
slot 0 or slot 1.
Rommon 3> dir disk0:
Rommon 3> dir disk1:
Displays the contents of the Flash memory disk (if present) in slot 0 or slot 1.
Command Purpose
Rommon 3> boot
(No argument.) Boots the default image found in the SIMM or bootflash. This
image is preloaded into the SIMM at the factory.
Rommon 3> boot flash
(Does not specify a particular PCMCIA slot.) Attempts to boot the router using
the first file found in the Flash memory card inserted in slot 0 of the RP.
Rommon 3> boot slot0:
Boots the router using the specified file on the Flash memory card in slot 0 of
the RP.
Rommon 3> boot disk0:
Boots the router using the specified file on the Flash memory disk in slot 0 of
the RP.
Rommon 3> boot slot1:
Boots the router using the specified file on the Flash memory card in slot 1 of
the RP.