Install the relay as shown below, then move the green fuse to the left. You now have
switched the rear seat outlet (the one we will be using) to RAP. You can move the yellow
fuse for the front outlet to switch it to RAP, or you can leave it as is for constant power. For
the purpose of this guide, it does not matter and is purely your discretion.
The RAP mod is now complete. Just one note: before you do this, examine the sunroof
power connector highlighted below. In my car, it is a red wire. Others have reported they
have a blue wire. If yours is red, then it is like my car and it is constant power, and you
should move on. If it is blue, then it may be switched accessory power (check with a
multimeter to confirm) and you skip the next section and the RAP mod and simply tap into
this wire and run it to the orange accessory wire on the parrot power cable.