BT Versatility
Owner's Manual
• From the Programming Extension, press the PROGRAMME Key
• Press the Scroll Down Key (Ô) until ‘System programming’ is displayed.
• Select ‘System programming’.
• Enter the System Programming Password and select ‘Lines’.
• Scroll Down until ‘LCR Timebands' is displayed.
• Select LCR on times
• You can enter two 'On' times.
• Select LCR off Times
• You can enter two times at which the LCR facility is deactivated
A Third option 'LCR weekend' is offered. When this is selected the LCR service remains active
from Friday night to Monday morning, all off times over the weekend are ignored.
Press the Hands-free Key to finish programming.
To route a call using the Least Cost Routing feature
• Select a Line Key, or dial a code for a Line (9, 760 - 769) and select ‘Send digits’.
• Dial a valid input code.
• When a Line is selected, dial the telephone number you wish to reach.
Your call will then be connected with the output code being dialled before the telephone
Note: Any Line Key or Line code (
9, 760 - 769) can be selected above. However, the system
will select the line for the call based on the input code.
Sending a Forward Recall while on a call
A Forward Recall signal may be required if you are using certain network services on standard
Analogue exchange Lines, or if your BT Versatility is connected to another telephone system
(PABX) via one of the Line interfaces.
The Forward Recall feature allows you to send a hold signal forward on the Line to the exchange
or PABX. To send a hold signal, you must be on a call or have dialled at least one digit of the
number you are calling.
To send a Forward Recall signal to an exchange or a PABX
• From a Featurephone, select ‘Forward recall’ on the 'Display'.
From a standard telephone, the code is R722.