BT Versatility
Owner's Manual
• From the Manager's Extension, press the PROGRAMME Key
• Press the Scroll Down Key (Ô) until ‘Key Programming’ is displayed
• Select ‘Key programming’.
• Select the key you want to programme.
• Press the Scroll Down Key (Ô) until ‘Divert all calls’ is displayed.
• Select ‘Divert all calls’.
• Select ‘Enter data’ and enter the Secretary’s Extension number
• Select ‘Confirm’.
Press the Hands-free Key to finish programming.
Least Cost Routing
You may use this feature to have users’ calls routed over specific lines, or over a specific Network
Provider. To set the feature up you associate input codes with the lines over which calls should be
routed and with whatever network codes are necessary to route the call.
In addition, you can choose to route the calls over different lines at various times of the day for
optimum call rates. Once the facility is activated calls are automatically routed over the selected
lines, and the network code is sent to the line before the telephone number.
To set up codes to allow calls to be routed on specific Lines or networks
• From the Programming Extension, press the PROGRAMME Key
• Press the Scroll Down Key (Ô) until ‘System programming’ is displayed.
• Select ‘System programming’.
• Enter the System Programming Password and select ‘Lines’.
• Scroll Down and select ‘LCR Codes' .
• Select LCR On to activate the facility
• Enter in a code index (01-50).
• Enter an input code (Up to 5 digits). Press Confirm. This is the code dialled by the user.
• Enter an Output Code (Up to 9 digits). This is the code that will be inserted before the
telephone number that the user dials. This code can be used to select a specific Network
• Select the preferred or exclusive option.
If ‘Exclusive’ is selected the calls can only be sent on the lines selected below.
If ‘Preferred’ is selected the calls will be routed on any available Line, if none of the selected
lines are available. In this case the output code is not dialled.
Note: When Enabling or Disabling the LCR feature the new setting does not take immediate
affect. There can be a delay a of up to 1 minute for the setting to take affect.
Note:To program LCR Codes when a PRI interface Access is installed see page 110
Least cost Routing activated automatically at set times
You can programme the Least Cost Routing facility, to be automatically turned on and off twice
during a 24-hour period enabling you to tailor your call charges through different service