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device securely and automatically and thus, most
importantly, facilitates simple initial configuration of the
ADSL terminal equipment by the end customer.
The TR-069 protocol can be used for automatic
configuration only if it is actively supported by the given
terminal device. For this an Auto Configuration Client
(ACC) must be integrated in the device. The specifications
for automatic configuration of the ADSL terminal device
are stored on the Auto Configuration Server by the given
Internet Service Provider. The process of automatic
configuration via TR-069 is initiated by the ADSL terminal
device. First the user enters a security key and then the
settings are retrieved from the Auto Configuration Server
and implemented in the ADSL terminal device without any
further interaction with the user. During this process all of
the communication between the ADSL terminal device and
the Auto Configuration Server takes place in encrypted
Update A more recent version of software or firmware is called an
update. Updates are often free of charge, resolve minor
programming errors, and sometimes also offer new
Upload This term designates the procedure of transmitting files
from one’s own computer to another computer in the
UPnP abbreviation for Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)
UPnP is an extension of the Microsoft Plug & Play standard
that allows devices to network globally and to exchange
services – without a central server or computer.
UPnP allows devices from all kinds of manufacturers
(stereo systems, routers, printers, house controls) to be
controlled via an IP-based network, with or without central
control through a gateway. It is based on a number of
standardized network protocols and data formats.
Expressed simplistically, devices can communicate with
each other using UPnP to exchange information.