FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7113 113
pcAnywhere or Microsoft’s Remote Desktop, or even use
of a file-sharing program like eDonkey, the required ports
must be released for port forwarding. Port forwarding
settings for the most important application cases are
quite simple as long as the settings of the router or the
firewall already contain rules with a corresponding
Private IP
Private IP addresses are used for computers and other
network devices within local IP networks.
Since many local IP networks are not connected to the
Internet except via single computers or routers (gateway),
certain address ranges are excluded from the publicly
available IP addresses so that they are available for
assignment in local IP networks. An IP address may only
be assigned once within the local network. A private IP
address may exist in any number of other local networks.
Public IP
A public IP address is an IP address valid in the Internet.
Every computer or router participating in the Internet must
have a uniquely assigned public IP address. This address
is usually negotiated dynamically with the Internet Service
Provider when a connection to the Internet is dialed. The
Internet Service Provider assigns the negotiated IP
address to the computer or router for the duration of an
Internet session.
Stick & Surf Stick & Surf is a technique developed by AVM for the fast,
simple, error-free and secure configuration of radio
networks. This technique allows for the straightforward
transmission of all important parameters of a radio
network from the access point to any computer that is to
be added to the radio cell.
In this process the radio parameters used, including
WLAN channel, SSID and WLAN standard, as well as
security parameters like the encryption method and
network key, are transferred almost fully automatically
from the WLAN access point to the computer with the
WLAN client that is to be connected.