To Revert Back to Sofa:
• Push the front edge of the sofa seat toward
the wall while lifting upward on the backrest
until the sofa is fully seated against the wall.
• Reposition ottoman and fasten onto sofa.
• Push front edge of sofa seat down to be sure
latch engages.
The fresh water toilet in your motor home is
very similar to the household type, except that it
is designed to use only a small amount of water
per flush. It uses a high velocity jet of water, pro-
ducing a swirl effect, to efficiently cleanse the
bowl. And since each flush uses fresh water, no
special chemicals are required other than a de-
odorizing agent, if necessary.
1. To add water to the toilet before using, lift
the flush lever until the desired water level is
reached. Generally, more water is required
only when flushing solids.
2. To flush the toilet, push the lever all the way
down until sewage leaves the toilet and bowl
is rinsed clean.
3. Release the flush lever. A small amount of
water should remain in the bowl.
Please refer to the manufacturer’s informa-
tion supplied with the toilet for further operating
and maintenance instructions.
Important “Don’ts”
• Don’t use facial tissue or regular toilet tissue
in the RV toilet. These will not disintegrate
sufficiently and will often cling to the sides
of the holding tank. Toilet tissue made spe-
cifically for use in RV toilets and holding
tanks is available at most RV supply centers.
• Don’t dispose of sanitary napkins or other
non-dissolving items in the toilet.
• Don’t put automotive antifreeze or caustic
chemicals, such as laundry bleach or heavy
detergents into the toilet or holding tank.
These products may damage plastic or rub-
ber parts in the system.
Cleaning the Toilet
The toilet should be cleaned regularly for
maximum sanitation and operating efficiency. If
an odor is apparent from the toilet:
1. Clean the toilet bowl with a mild bathroom
cleaner. Do not allow cleaners to set in the
bowl for long periods of time to avoid dam-
aging the seals. Do not use caustic or abra-
sive cleaners in the Thetford toilet since it
may damage the plastic surfaces.
2. Dump and rinse holding tank.
3. Add odor control chemical in amount speci-
fied after cleaning and every few days during
4. Remove the water line from the base of the
toilet and clean the screen.
5. If the flush valve becomes stiff after
extended use, it may be lubricated with a sil-
icone spray. Turn the water pump off and
operate flush pedal to drain water from the
toilet bowl. Spray silicone lubricant onto
flush valve inside bowl and operate flush
pedal a few times to ensure free operation.
See instructions in Section 10 to prepare the
toilet for storage in freezing conditions.
The power vent in the bathroom ceiling is
controlled by switches on the bathroom wall.
The VENT switch raises (open) or lowers
Lift to
Push to