TD 92675EN
20 June 2012 / Ver. E
Configuration Manual
Ascom i62 VoWiFi Handset
5. Maintenance
3 In a web browser, enter the address to the License Web:
The License Web is used for;
• Importing the product information file
• Viewing/Purchasing the license(s) for the handset(s)
• Downloading the license file containing th
e lice
nse key(s) for the handset(s)
See the online help on the License Web or Function Description, Product Licensin
Overview, TD 92677GB for information on how to use the Li
cense Web.
4 When the license file (.XML) containing the license key(s) has been downloaded from
the License Web, select File
> Import > Licences in the PDM to import the file.
5 When the file is imported, the license key(s) is downloaded to the ha
ndset(s), and
the handset will be restarted. See also 5.1.7 Upgrade Handset Functionality using
License on page 18 for viewing the handset’s license option(s).
If the handset has been updated to a new device type (to i62 Messenger or
i62 Protector), both t
he new device and the old de
vice are displayed in PDM. The old
device has to be manually removed.
Manual license upgrade
Use this option if the serial numbers of the handset cannot be
exported to a file due to a
PDM is not in use. The serial number(s) must be manually entered in the License Web to get
the corresponding license key for the handset. The license key must also be manually
entered in the handset. See the online help on the License Web or the Function Description,
Product Licensing Overview, TD 92677GB for information on how to get a license key.
Tip: If several handsets shall be upgraded, it is recommended to use License upgrade using
import/export on page 19.
The license key is added via the Admin menu in the handset, see 9.1 Admin Menu Tree on
page 63 for information on how to activate the Admin menu.
Tip: It is also possible to press *#35# in idle mode for quick access to the “Enter license key“
1 Press the soft key “Menu“.
2 Select “Calls“.
3 Select “Admin menu“.
4 Select “Enter license key“.
5 Enter license key without blanks.
6Press “OK“.
If the license key is valid, a dialog window “License key accepted“ is shown. The handset will
now be rest
If the handset has been upda
ted to a new device type (to i62 Messenger or i62 Protector),
both the new device and the old device are displayed in PDM. The old device has to be
manually removed.
Move License
It is possible to move a product license (Protector
or Messenger) to an unlice
nsed handset
(Talker). Any optional licenses will follow. For example, a Protector license can be moved
from a handset with a broken display to an unlicensed handset. The broken handset (now a
Talker) can then be sent for repair.