NLLW – návod k obsluze a instalaci
Failure calling is not repeated. It means that all numbers are calling only
once And then LLW hang up. Further round might be activated only by new
change on input INP1. The voltage must returns back to stand by mode. The
change on input INP1 must happen again. During failure calling are all other
features available.
During failure calling is not lighting any indicator. It is not voice
communication. The call is generating beeps – via. lighting x – green / yellow
– up stage (confirmed = green)
Table 1 page. 13.
2.2.3 Service calling (from timer)
Service calling is optional parameter. You also define if this parameter is
activated since first connection of LLW to telephone line. This service calling is
adjustable from 1 to 9 day period, for example 3 means that LLW is make
automatically every 3rd day a call to preprogrammed number (test of LLW
For service calling you program special number which might be of course
the same as emergency or failure calling number. You can also select if will be
dialing only this number or all round of emergency numbers (then you have
max 7 numbers).
The service calling is repeated in period 0-9 min (programmable) until
successful call (confirmation). The repeated time between calls is
programmable because to service department can call more LLW. To avoid of
problem that service department line is busy you can program different time
period for service calling up installation place.
During failure calling is not lighting any indicator. It is not voice
communication. The call is generating beeps – via. lighting x – green / yellow
– up stage (confirmed = green)
Table 1 page. 13.
2.2.4 End of calling – call confirmation
The LLW enables to program at every number if will be confirmed or not.
Every call needs authorization if it was successful or not. Therefore analog line
doesn’t support any kind of authorization (signaling) we can define success of
call by 2 ways. The LLW needs this info to not dial further numbers.
First way (no confirmation) is detection that call was successful on the
base control ringing tone (CRT). It is tone which we are hearing in handset
when make call to other subscriber. The LLW detects this tone and when is
missing for certain time then evaluate the call was successful (Green indicator
light up and yellow light down). The time which defines undetection of CRT
(called part picks up) is adjustable because each type of PBX can be different.
Usually should be 5 seconds as the best. At this call authorization stays
possibility confirm the call by dial confirmation characters (*xxxxxx, where