Crestron DIN-AP3MEX Automation Processor with infiNET EX
Operations & Installation Guide – DOC. 7492B Automation Processor: DIN-AP3MEX • 19
Programs and Firmware
Program or firmware files may be distributed from programmers to
installers or from Crestron to dealers. Firmware upgrades are available
from the Crestron website as new features are developed after product
releases. One has the option to upload programs via the programming
software or to upload and upgrade via the Crestron Toolbox. For details
on uploading and upgrading, refer to the Crestron Studio™ help file,
SIMPL Windows help file, or the Crestron Toolbox help file.
Studio /
If a Crestron Studio (or SIMPL Windows) program is provided, it can be
uploaded to the control system using Crestron Studio (or SIMPL
Windows) or Crestron Toolbox.
Check the Crestron website to find the latest firmware. (New users must
register to obtain access to certain areas of the site, including the FTP
Upgrade DIN-AP3MEX firmware via Crestron Toolbox.
1. Establish communication with the DIN-AP3MEX and display the
“System Info” window.
2. Select Functions | Firmware… to upgrade the DIN-AP3MEX