ISG50 User’s Guide874
collecting data 201
configuration overview 105
daily 706
daily e-mail 706
specifications 203
traffic statistics 200
representative number 484
SIP trunk 484
reset 774
vs reboot 753
RESET button 36, 774
restricting outgoing calls 455
resuming parked calls 532
1058 (RIP) 302
1389 (RIP) 302
1587 (OSPF areas) 305
1631 (NAT) 299
1889 (RTP) 340
2131 (DHCP) 277
2132 (DHCP) 277
2328 (OSPF) 304
2402 (AH) 374, 392
2406 (ESP) 374, 392
2510 (Certificate Management Protocol or
CMP) 650
2516 (PPPoE) 279
2637 (PPTP) 279
2890 (GRE) 279
RFC 1889 430
RFC 2833 469, 470
ring groups
configuration 549, 562
overview 549
RIP 302
and Ethernet interfaces 238
and OSPF 303
and static routes 303
and to-Device firewall 303
authentication 303
direction 238
redistribute 303
RIP-2 broadcasting methods 238
versions 238
vs OSPF 302
Rivest, Shamir and Adleman public-key algorithm
(RSA) 649
round robin 288
troubleshooting 768
Routing Information Protocol, see RIP
routing protocols 302
and authentication algorithms 312
and Ethernet interfaces 237
routing, by SIP To header 486, 493
RSA 649, 652, 658
RTP 340, 430, 431
DTMF 470
see also ALG 340
RTP and DTMF 469
sampling 475
SCEP (Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol) 650
troubleshooting 771
schedules 625
and current date/time 625
and firewall 351, 363, 405, 407
and policy routes 295, 405, 407
one-time 625
recurring 625
types of 625
where used 103
screen resolution 43
second call 532
Secure Hash Algorithm, see SHA1
Secure Socket Layer, see SSL
security associations, see IPSec
security settings
troubleshooting 766
self-directory-traversal attack 426
self-referential directories 426
sensitivity level 417
serial number 187
softphone 142
service control 123, 678
and to-Device firewall 678
and users 679
limitations 678
timeouts 678