ISG50 User’s Guide 873
subnet mask 276
PPPoE 279
and RADIUS 279
TCP port 1723 279
PPPoE/PPTP interfaces 234, 246
and ISP accounts 247, 661
basic characteristics 234
gateway 247
subnet mask 247
PPTP 279
and GRE 279
as VPN 279
precedence 447
priority 431
privileges 454
problems 765
overview 28
product registration 856
protocol anomaly 411, 425
detection 418
proxy servers 331
web, see web proxy servers
PSAP 532
PSTN 27, 88, 478
connections to 143
PSTN calls, tutorial 143
PTR record 675
Public Safety Answering Point
see PSAP
public server tutorial 129
Public Switched Telephone Network
see PSTN
Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) 644
public-private key pairs 643
Pulse Code Modulation
see PCM
QoS 290, 397, 430, 431, 440
Quality of Service
see QoS
quantization 475
Quick Start Guide 2
rack-mounting 31
RADIUS 631, 633
advantages 631
and IKE SA 391
and PPPoE 279
and users 600
user attributes 611
RADIUS server
troubleshooting 771
Real Time Transport Protocol
see RTP
realm 432
Real-time Transport Protocol, see RTP
reboot 36, 105, 753
vs reset 753
record of calls 225, 227
recording audio
files 516
recording calls 544
Reference Guide, CLI 2
registration 229
configuration overview 98
IP telephones 140
prerequisites 98
product 856
related documentation 2
Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) 633, 634, 635,
remote access IPSec 373
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service, see
remote management
configuration overview 104
FTP, see FTP
prerequisites 104
see also service control 678
Telnet 698
to-Device firewall 354
WWW, see WWW
remote network 367
replay detection 373