Administration and monitoring
AirMax Priority (Station mode)
Enable AirMax and No ACK Mode for
PtP (AP mode)
The [Ubiquiti] page contains controls for proprietary Ubiquiti technologies, such as AirMax, AirSelect and
The [Main] page displays current status of the device and the statistical information.
The [Wireless] page contains the controls for a wireless network configuration, while covering basic wireless
settings which define operating mode, output power, associating details and data security options.
The [Network] page covers the configuration of network operating mode, IP (http://en.wikipedia.org
/wiki/Internet_Protocol) settings, packet (http://en.wikipedia.org
/wiki/Packet_%28information_technology%29) filtering routines and network services (i.e. DHCP Server
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP) ).
The [Advanced] page settings are dedicated for more precise wireless interface control. AirMax feature and 802.11n specific parameters
can be set in this page. Also advanced page includes external signal LED and traffic shaping settings.
The [Services] page covers the configuration of system management services like SNMP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SNMP) , NTP
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_Time_Protocol) , System Log, Ping Watchdog and SSH/Telnet server.
The [System] page contains controls for system maintenance routines, dedicated for administrator account management, device
customization, firmware upgrade and configuration backup. Web management interface language can be changed in this page also.
There are useful network administration and monitoring [Tools] available in every page also:
Antenna alignment tool;
Site survey tool (also available in AP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Access_point) mode);
Ping (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ping) ;
Traceroute (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/traceroute) ;
SpeedTest Utility;
AirView (http://ubnt.com/airview) ;
At this page the operator can enable and setup Ubiquiti proprietary features like AirMax, allowing for superior wireless performance, more
clients per Access Point and lower latency. AirSelect, an innovative technology that dynamically change the wireless channel used in order
to avoid interference, as well as AirView, Ubiquiti’s spectrum analyzer.
AirMax Settings
AirMax is Ubiquiti’s proprietary TDMA polling technology. AirMax offers better tolerance against
interference and increases the maximum number of users associated to an Access Point
(AirMax capable). AirMax works assigning time slots for each device communication, avoiding
the hidden node (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_node_problem) problem. While
operating in AP or AP-WDS mode with AirMax enabled, the device only accepts AirMax
stations. (Disable AirMax for legacy 802.11abg devices compatibility). AirMax also features
some advanced QOS Auto-Detection settings.
Enable AirMax: If enabled, the device will operate in AirMax mode, including all its benefits.
But while AirMax is activated, non-AirMax stations aren’t able to associate to the AP. This option only
applies to AP or AP-WDS modes. In Station or Station WDS mode, AirMax will be selected
automatically when connecting to an AirMax AP.
No ACK Mode for PtP: this option allows disabling the ACK mode for long distance (17KM in 40MHz
mode or 51KM in 20MHz mode) point-to-point links exceeding the maximum ACK limit. Important:
While No ACK Mode PtP is enabled, only one station can be connected. If you want to connect more
than 1 station, select Auto-ACK mode.
AirMax Priority (Station mode): This feature defines the amount of timeslots assigned to each client, i.e. stations with a higher priority
get more time slots to transmit over lower priority clients. AirMax Priority only functions when multiple units have it on.
AirOS 5.3 - Ubiquiti Wiki
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