AirOS v5.3 Network Page
AirOS Network Mode selection
Disable Network
Bridge mode Network Settings
Click Change button to save the changes.
The Network Page allows the administrator to setup bridge or routing
AirOS v5.3 powered devices can operate in bridge, router or SOHO router mode.
The IP configuration as described below is required for device management
purposes. IP addresses can either be retrieved from a DHCP server or configured
manually. Use the Network menu to configure the IP settings.
Network Mode: specify the operating network mode for the device. There are
three modes: bridge, router and SOHO router. The mode depends on the
network topology requirements:
[Bridge] operating mode is selected by default as it is widely used by the
subscriber stations, while connecting to Access Point or using WDS. In this
mode, the device will act as a transparent bridge and will operate in Layer 2.
There will be no network segmentation while broadcast domain will be the
same. Bridge mode will not block any broadcast or multicast traffic.
Additional Firewall settings can be configured for Layer 2 packet filtering and
access control in Bridge mode.
[Router] operating mode can be configured in order to operate in Layer 3 to
perform routing and enable network segmentation – wireless clients will be
on different IP subnet. Router mode will block broadcasts while it is not
AirOS v5.3 supports Multicast packet pass-through in Router mode.
AirOS v5.3 powered Router can act as DHCP server and use Network
Address Translation (Masquerading) feature, which is widely used by the
Access Points. NAT will act as the firewall between LAN and WLAN
networks. Additional Firewall settings can be configured for Layer 3
packet filtering and access control in Router mode.
[SOHO Router]: SOHO (= Small Office and Home Office) Router is basically a derivation
from Router mode, which makes the LAN port become the WAN port, and the Wireless
network (WLAN) become the local network.
In one-Ethernet-port devices (while operating in AP or AP-WDS) this mode works like the
Router mode, except that the LAN port is labeled as “WAN port” and WLAN as LAN. In
two-or-more-Ethernet-ports devices, the main Ethernet port becomes WAN, and WLAN
and other LAN ports become the local network (LAN).
Disable Network: options can be used for disabling WLAN, LAN or WAN interface. This
setting should be used with the exclusive care as no L2 or L3 connection can be established
through the disabled interface. It will be impossible to access the AirOS based device from
the wireless/wired network that is connected to the disabled interface. Disable WAN only
applicable while operating in SOHO Router mode.
Network settings
Bridge Mode
In bridge mode the AirOS v5.3 based device forwards all the network
management and data packets from one network interface to the other without
any intelligent routing. For simple applications this provides an efficient and fully
transparent network solution. WLAN (wireless) and LAN (Ethernet) interfaces
belong to the same network segment that has the same IP address space. WLAN
and LAN interfaces form the virtual bridge interface while acting as the bridge
ports. The bridge has assigned IP settings for management purposes:
Bridge IP Address: The device can be set for static IP or can be set to obtain
an IP address from the DHCP server it is connected to.
One of the IP assignment modes must be selected:
DHCP – choose this option to assign the dynamic IP address, Gateway and
DNS address by the local DHCP server.
Static – choose this option to assign the static IP settings for the bridge interface.
AirOS 5.3 - Ubiquiti Wiki
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