W150M+150Mbps Wireless AP
IEEE802.11, BSSID is the MAC address of wireless access
Extend Channel
:To increase data throughput of wireless
network, the extension channel range is used in 11n mode.
Channel Bandwidth
: Select the channel bandwidth to
improve the wireless performance. When the network has
11b/g and 11n clients, you can select the 40M; when it is an
11n network, select 20/40M to improve its throughput.
Click “Next” to save configurations.
Note: We suggest you do not change the channel in this mode, or
else you can not access the device which you want to
For wireless network encryption, please refer to 7.2.
Set the computer to“Obtain IP address automatically” to access the
internet. More details refer to Appendix I.
5.5 Wireless Router Mode
In this mode, the device can connect to the DSL modem, Cable
modem such broadband devices or the broadband cable directly.
Note: In this mode, the LAN/WAN port is worked as the WAN
port. After it takes effect, only the computers with wireless
network adapter can access the web-based interface of the router.
Log on the web-based interface as chapter 4 and then configure the
mode as below.